
Most dangerous jungle predators
Most dangerous jungle predators

most dangerous jungle predators

The giant ones that appear to be flat are the ones most feared by many. The locals treat them as seriously as they would snakes. So they are easy to spot unless they crawl up into your shoes or clothes. Some are an inch long and there are those that are five inches long. Much as it might not be fatal, it will be painful as hell. So don’t go picking one up because you will be stung. They have many types… some giant ones and they can sting real good. Now, even if you are there for a minute, these are animals of Thailand you should beware of. Plus, Thailand has a great health system for dealing with snake bites incidents.

  • Rush to hospital – getting treatment within an hour or two tops should be fine.
  • Don’t play hero by trying to kill a snake.
  • When you spot a spitting cobra or anything that looks like it, give it more than 3 meters as they can spit venom into a person’s eyes from that far.
  • When you see a snake that looks dead, it’s probably just taking a nap.
  • When you see a hole or crack, work with the assumption that there is a snake there and walk away.

    most dangerous jungle predators

    Be on the lookout whenever handling items that have been placed on cracks where snakes may be hiding.Wear jeans and strong boots whenever walking on grass or in undergrowth.The best course of action is to avoid all of them. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to distinguish them.

    most dangerous jungle predators

    The thing is, there are some that are non-poisonous. If you are brave enough to kill the snake, carry it with you to hospital so that they can know the best treatment after identification. Good thing is, they have anti-venom everywhere. However, if bitten by any snake it is imperative that you rush to hospital immediately. Now not every snake encounter event is fatal. Unfortunately, I have to tell you that all the above mentioned are extremely dangerous animals in Thailand and they can kill you. The ones you need to be cautious about are the Chain Viper, most types of Krait, several Cobras like the spitting Cobra which is normally found in the South of Thailand, the King Cobra, Coral Snakes, Pit Vipers.

    #Most dangerous jungle predators plus#

    Plus you might never know what you encounter since some can be very aggressive if disturbed. So here is where the danger comes in with these snakes – when you step on one. Luckily, at the sound of approaching footsteps, they will slither away. If you are treading on grass or any form of undergrowth, chances are that there will be snakes.

    most dangerous jungle predators

    Some can also be found in swimming canals and rivers. These snakes can also be found in urban areas, in city parks and even in hotel gardens. Much as there are different kinds of snakes in this beautiful Asian country, most of them tend to be dangerous and can be life threatening if bitten by them. Animals of Thailand to stay away from Snakes That said, these islands are well worth a visit. Read on as we tell you what to watch out for just in case you encounter those creatures. Believe me, not all animals of Thailand are dangerous. This post is not to discourage you to head on to Thailand and enjoy the beautiful scenery and beaches. Now this doesn’t mean that Thailand is a no-go zone. We have your safety is mind so as you vacation we also want to prepare yourself safety-wise. Much as we like to bring you all good things about Thailand and its stunning tourist destinations, we would also like you to beware of the dangerous animals in Thailand. Dangerous animals in Thailand Be Aware of the Dangerous Animals in Thailand

    Most dangerous jungle predators